Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
10/10/2024 - 6:00 PM  
Consideration and Possible Action Item(s)  
Resolution for Crowley Independent School District Nominations for Tarrant Appraisal District Board of Directors Election  
District Goals:
Goal 2
Engaged Community
Attached for Board review are the following: 1. TAD Letter of Engagement to Taxing Entities 2. TAD 2024 Calculation of Votes for Election of Board of Directors 3. TAD Board of Directors Length of Term: Beginning and Ending 4. DRAFT Resolution for Crowley Independent School District Nominations for Tarrant Appraisal District Board of Directors Election  
File Attachment:
TAD Letter of Engagement to Taxing Entities.pdf
TAD Board of Directors Length of Term.pdf
TAD 2024 Calculation of Entity Votes for BOD Election.pdf
DRAFT CISD Resolution TAD BOD Nominations.pdf
The current terms of five appointed members of the Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) Board of Directors will expire on December 31, 2024. The first step in appointing voting members for the term beginning January 1, 2025 is calculating the number of votes to which the taxing units are entitled. As required by Section 6.03 of the Property Tax Code, I have calculated and provide in the enclosed list the number of votes for each school district, city, and county entity that is entitled to participate in the appointment process. The next step is nomination of candidates. Taxing units are not required to submit any nominations but, if they choose to do so, the nominations may be made only by a resolution adopted by the governing body and the presiding officer of the governing body must submit the names of the nominees to TAD BEFORE October 15, 2024, which means the nominations must be received by TAD no later than October 14, 2024. As explained by TAD: The length of the terms for the 5 appointed board members, according to Senate Bill 2, must be determined by the TAD Chief Appraiser, by lot by a method to be determined after the 5 members are appointed. Of the five board members, Two are to receive a one-year term, and 3 board members are to receive 3-year terms. TAD has indicated that during the first meeting of the TAD board in 2025, this process will be livestreamed and recorded for the sake of transparency. This process is to accomplish staggering the terms, so all members do not roll off at once. When submitting nominations to, please include not only the full name of each candidate, but also his or her complete residence address and a current biography. From timely submitted nominations, I will prepare and distribute before October 30th a ballot to each taxing unit entitled to participate in the appointment process. The appointment process may be summarized as follows: -Before October 01, 2024 Chief Appraiser calculates numbers of votes and notifies taxing units -Before October 15, 2024 Governing bodies of taxing units nominate candidates by resolution and send names to Chief Appraiser -Before October 30, 2024 Chief Appraiser prepares ballot and sends it to taxing units -Before December 15, 2024 for most taxing units but see the different requirements in section 6.03(k-1) that applies only to “each taxing unit entitled to cast at least five percent of the total votes”, which in this appointment cycle means 250 or more votes on the enclosed list Governing bodies of taxing units determine their votes by resolution and send votes to the Chief Appraiser -Before December 31, 2024 Chief Appraiser counts votes, determines which 5 candidates received the most votes, and submits results to taxing units -January 01, 2025 new term begins  
Budgetary Impact:
I recommend that Crowley ISD nominate Gloria Pena, Phyllis Grissom, Fred Campos, Daryl Davis and Wendy Burgess to appear on the Tarrant Appraisal District Board of Directors Election ballot.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Catherine Montalvo - Secretary to Superintendent
Signed By:  
Michael McFarland - Superintendent
Vote Results: