Meeting Date:
Discussion and / or Possible Action Item(s) |
Approval of 1882 Institution of Higher Education Partnership Contract with Paul Quinn College |
District Goals:
Goal 1 Thriving Students Goal 2 Engaged Community Goal 3 Empowered Staff
File Attachment:
The Board will discuss and consider awarding four Texas Innovation Partnerships with an Institution of Higher Education, according to Senate Bill 1882, to Paul Quinn College for the operation of Crowley Middle School, Richard J. Allie Middle School, H.F. Stevens Middle School, and Summer Creek Middle School, authorize the superintendent to finalize the terms of and enter into a performance agreement for the operation of the middle schools, and authorize the superintendent to amend the performance agreement with Paul Quinn College in accordance with the best interests of students at the schools during the term of the agreement provided that such amendments are consistent with board policies. |
Budgetary Impact:
Move to award four Texas Innovation Partnerships with an Institution of Higher Education, according to Senate Bill 1882, to Paul Quinn College for the operation of Crowley Middle School, Richard J. Allie Middle School, H.F. Stevens Middle School, and Summer Creek Middle School, authorize the superintendent to finalize the terms of and enter into a performance agreement for the operation of the middle schools, and authorize the superintendent to amend the performance agreement with Paul Quinn College in accordance with the best interests of students at the schools during the term of the agreement provided that such amendments are consistent with board policies. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Crystel Polk - Executive Director of Grants and Transformation |
Signed By: |
Michael McFarland - Superintendent |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member LaTonya Mayfield Moved, Member Nedra Robinson seconded to approve the Original motion 'Move to award four Texas Innovation Partnerships with an Institution of Higher Education, according to Senate Bill 1882, to Paul Quinn College for the operation of Crowley Middle School, Richard J. Allie Middle School, H.F. Stevens Middle School, and Summer Creek Middle School, authorize the superintendent to finalize the terms of and enter into a performance agreement for the operation of the middle schools, and authorize the superintendent to amend the performance agreement with Paul Quinn College in accordance with the best interests of students at the schools during the term of the agreement provided that such amendments are consistent with board policies.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 6 - 0 | | | June Davis | Yes | Mia Hall | Yes | Gary Grassia | Yes | LaTonya Mayfield | Yes | Nedra Robinson | Yes | Kelicia Stevenson | Yes | |